I Haven't Been Abducted by Aliens (Ep. --)
Why this long lull since the last Breaking The Rules post?
I know. Your Wednesdays haven't been complete for too many weeks. The last Breaking the Rules post was too long ago.
For those of you who only read my Breaking the Rules musings, you may have assumed I've been abducted by aliens or my pinky was hurting. Those who follow my other Python-related content will have been reassured that I've not been assimilated by the Borg. In fact, you may know why these posts have been missing—there's been a lot more of all the other stuff!
I've been busy. And it's not just writing articles on my other Substack, The Python Coding Stack, which have been as regular as ever, but I've been releasing video courses for my new Python community that's launching soon (and some other videos for another venture that I'll unleash soon.)
And yes, fighting off those aliens trying to abduct me takes up time, too.
But don't worry. I haven't forgotten about my diary to document my technical writing ideas—this substack. But for now at least, posts won't be as regular as I originally intended.
Resistance is futile.
Live long and prosper.